The Ultimate Creative

Pinterest for Podcasters with Tara Reid

Emily Milling / Tara Reid Season 2 Episode 72

Are you looking for different ways to promote your podcast? Well you might just want to try Pinterest! And on today’s episode of The Ultimate Creative Podcast, my guest Tara Reid is sharing exactly how you can use Pinterest to promote your podcast and grow your audience, without having to do a lot of extra work!

Tara Reid is a multi-passionate, creative business owner (sound familiar?) with THREE BUSINESSES. She started out with her product business selling jewelry in 2007, and in 2015 pivoted to more services for entrepreneurs. Tara’s clients wanted to start implementing more Search Engine Optimization (SEO) which was great at first, until the creativity disappeared from the equation. So Tara used her creative skills along with her technical online business skills, to create customized Pinterest services for her clients! The combo of both skills was a perfect fit for Pinterest!

And for those of us who don’t have/want to spend many hours of the day creating up to 5 pins for each podcast episode, Tara has a seriously amazing Podcast Marketing Template Bundle for Canva, full of customizable pins, Instagram posts and more! She’s thought of everything!

PLUS, Tara will be sharing her top 3 key things you can do on Pinterest to promote your podcast, and in October she’ll be hosting the Freelance Revenue Boost Summit you’ll definitely want to get on the waitlist for!

Tara’s Links:

If you’re in need of help to launch your podcast, or possibly to revive it, my team can help you out!

  1. Check out my new FREE masterclass, 5 simple steps to launch a podcast at
  2. Podcast Production Production - Let us take all the extra stuff off your plate! We just opened up spots for a new offering which includes a more complete content strategy!

Be sure to follow The Ultimate Creative Podcast wherever you get your podcasts, and sign up for the newsletter to get new episodes directly to your inbox when they go live!


Alrighty, welcome to another episode of the ultimate creative podcast. I am your host, Emily milling. And today I have with me an expert in Pinterest in all of the things on the internet, it seems like because she's just got so many cool things happening all the flipping time. I love following her on Instagram, on Pinterest, on all of the places and her podcast. It's Tara Reed. Welcome.


Thank you so much. Yeah, I'm definitely a multi-passionate.


It's so cool. And you've got another element to your business about inter the introverted entrepreneur and the introvert entrepreneur coach. And it's all so cool. I learned about you on Julie Green's podcast, and I would just love for you to tell us all about your business, the different ways you help entrepreneurs. And how did you get started in working with Pinterest? Yeah.


It's kind of a long story. I first started as a online business owner in 2007. I had a handmade jewelry business, which through that and growing that to a successful six-figure brand, I found that a lot of people were coming to me for help. So I stopped. Slowly moving over into more service-based work kind of lost my love for the product based business. So I went full time with services and helping other entrepreneurs in 2015. And right now I, I say that I they're all under the same umbrella, but I kind of have separated things. So I have three businesses. I have my main marketing and coaching business for service providers. And then I have introvert. Prenuer where I have the introvert preneur podcast, introvert for newer membership and resources for helping introverts, like myself, learn how to market their business online and easier ways that aren't as stressful. And then I also have entrepreneur templates, which is a Canva templates, graphic design membership for entrepreneurs as well.


Three different things. Oh my gosh. I need to, I need to see what your schedule looks like, because that sounds like a heck of a lot of work. How do you do it all?


I'm big on productivity and time management. I found that I really had to be, I've been burnout twice in business as an entrepreneur once with the jewelry business. And then Once when I was doing services full time, I got to the point where I was just totally burnt out and stressed out, taking on way too much. So now I definitely focus a lot on systems automations and really blocking out my calendar. Like I try now not to even work on Fridays. So really I, I do everything with a four day workweek or I try to.


Oh, my gosh. I love that. I try to do the same thing too. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't and I mean, the fact that, okay, so you recently wrapped up a summit and you planning yet another summit in the fall. We're going to talk about that a little later. Like you just do so many cool, amazing things. I can't wait to dig into all of them, but let's talk about Pinterest. How did you get started with that? How did that sort of become a big part of what you offer?


Well, once people started asking me for advice with their business, it was really they wanted advice with SEO search engine optimization cause that's really what I was known for and really good at at the time. But then I'm also very creative and I love like I went to college for website design and graphic design. So I really loved being creative and that side of it. Whereas. The SEO work wasn't really creative. It was more analytical and spreadsheets and research. So I found that I was started to get burnt out with that. And that's when I really found and really dived into Pinterest because it allows me to combine those two things. Pinterest is all about the design, but it's also about the optimization and using the right keywords, which is why it was just like a perfect fit for me and my skills and what I really love to do.


Yeah, absolutely. And I went to one of your, I guess it was a masterclass several months ago, maybe in the winter or something. And you, you gave us this really clear, easy to follow path for like how to set up Pinterest and optimize it. And then you also had a course, which is super cool. So. Let's think about podcasters now for a second, because I have suggested Pinterest to a number of podcasters, and they're always surprised that they're like, what are you, how would I use Pinterest to promote my podcast? So why do you think podcasters should be considering Pinterest to promote their podcasts? And maybe some of the ways they could.


Yeah. So Pinterest is like a, the best platform for podcasts. There's I feel like people are on Pinterest because they want information. They want to get knowledge. And so many people aren't using it. That it's a really untapped resource, especially for podcasters because you're putting out fresh content like every week or every other week, however often you're releasing new episodes. You have so much fresh content to work with on Pinterest because that's what they love right now. They're all about fresh content, which is. Fresh URLs, but also fresh images. So if each podcast episode you release, you can create five different pin designs for that one episode. And each one of those is going to be considered a fresh piece of content in Pinterest size. And it's a really great way to tap into new audiences and grow your podcast audience.


I really liked too. I think you mentioned this back in that masterclass, there's like a much longer, a longer longevity. There's a much longer longevity. Great words are happening in my mouth right now. For the, the pins versus like putting it up on other social media, because they feel like a lot of times it's like you put something on Instagram and it's just gets lost in this black void of nothingness and no one ever sees it again. So is that something that you like to recommend for people to consider? How, like how long does a pin really last for? Like how much can you really get out?


So one of the things I like to say about Pinterest is that it's a longterm strategy. But that also means that you're going to have longterm results. So even though it takes a while to build up your account and start seeing consistent growth the results lasts way longer. So my most popular pin, that's still generating the most traffic to one of my blog. Posts is one that I pinned about a year and a half ago. And it's still driving hundreds of people every month to this blog post. you think about Pinterest and the time it takes to actually grow your account so that you are getting those consistent results, it's well worth it in the long run, just because. A pin can last forever. I mean, as long as it's optimized, you're using the right keywords and it's getting found. Pinterest is like, Pinterest is a search engine. So it's gonna continue to push content that is doing really well. And that's where you can see the benefits for a very long time versus, you know, social media post, where it's like, I think Four hours is the lifespan. And then.


hour. What am I doing with my life? Oh my God. So I have to get back on Pinterest. I keep getting sucked into the Instagram, like rabbit hole, I guess, because everyone's like, oh, you must be on there, but. Yeah, every time I read your emails or I see you and talk to you, I'm like I gotta get back into Pinterest. And the thing is, I feel like I don't have enough hours in the day, but you have some awesome graphic packs to promote podcasts on your website. So maybe tell us a little bit about those for, for those of us, me, myself, who are feeling like, okay, like five pounds. That sounds great. But how am I supposed to create five pins for a thing? If I don't even have enough time in my day to create a snack. Yeah.


Yeah. templates are essential which is another one productivity hack that I definitely use for any piece of content I put out there is using the same templates over and over again. It'll be considered a new image as long as you change the text. Like if there's a photo in the pin design, Swap the photo out with a different image of you or a different stock photo and that's considered a fresh pin. So I do have I created one specifically for podcasters. That's the podcast marketing template bundle. So it's a huge set of Canva templates for Instagram, Instagram stories Facebook and Pinterest because I think. Essential to put your content out into the most channels as possible, but really you don't have to spend a lot of time on it, Pinterest, especially if you use something like tailwind, you can schedule your content once every couple of weeks, and then it just runs in the background. So it's not like a daily thing, like how Instagram is with you have to show up and you have to engage. Pinterest is more organic because it's a search engine, which. Fantastic. I usually batch do pin designs. I batch do scheduling. So really it doesn't take up a lot of my time.


It's way more sustainable that way. And heck as an introvert, it's like. Must protect all energy. Nobody talked to me ever, but except for right now when we're recording a podcast. Huh? Okay. So I have another question then about maybe the templates themselves that you have, or I don't know if you include this, but do you have like, are there video templates in there or can you convert it into a video template and do video do video pins work better than just a static image?


They definitely can. I do recommend like testing out the different formats that Pinterest has. There's video pins there's now um, it used to be called story pins, but now they've changed it to idea pins. Basically like Instagram stories where you can do video or slides. I think all of those methods combined are a really great way to build your audience. I do caution about just doing video content because video pins. And even story pins, you can't have a link to your content. So really it's just about growing brand awareness and getting people to your profile, which then they can click on your link. But if it's a static image, they can click right from the pin to your blog, post or podcast, episode show notes.


This explains why every time I try to click on a video pin for a recipe, nothing happens. And I just get a blast of aggressive sound in my ears from the video pin that really didn't need that super loud rock music from Brazil. I'm always like, so blown away by that, but, okay. So that's great. So thinking about other things podcasters can do for Pinterest, what would you say are the top three things they can, they should be considering when they're creating pins to promote their podcasts?


So I think when it comes to specifically pins, I feel like. You, you can't be afraid on Pinterest to go outside of your branding a little bit. I feel like a lot of people think of Pinterest as like Instagram, where you want a certain look to your feed and you want it to be cohesive and on-brand, whereas Pinterest it's really. By the pin itself. So it's not an oh, like nobody really looks at your profile. It's held by pin. So it's, I, I would like to do a lot of testing, especially with colors. Just to see like w if there's a. Type of color combination or there's a type of pin that really works well, then reuse that kind of style in future pins. And I think one other thing that's really important for people when you're designing pins is to make sure your text is readable. Not just for people looking at it, but also for The algorithm itself, because they're able to actually scan the text on the graphic and use that for optimization as well. So if you're using a lot of fancy script fonts, they're not going to be able to read it and understand What the pins about as well.


What do you think about comic Sans though?


Um, No.


I hate comic Sans so much. My mom's always making fun of me because I'm like, look, there's comic Sans everywhere, but pirates. But I think, you know, they should just remove those fonts entirely from planet earth. They're


I agree, like why are they still running?


Honestly, what else do you think? So like, if we were going to say like the top three things, so make sure that you have like readable fonts that aren't comic Sans or piracy and then play with your colors because it doesn't have to be the same kind of branding.


I think the main thing is just, don't be afraid to try different things and try the different types of pins that you can put out. Static pins. You can do animated pins for video pins. You. Story. I still call them story pins, idea pins. So just test things out and see what's gonna work best for your audience. Cause it might be different. Pinterest has such a huge audience base that. I mean, I've worked with clients that have pretty similar accounts and industries and content and what works for one is completely different than what works for the other one. Which is really odd because they're so similar in every other way. So that's why I really love testing.


Yeah. Oh yeah. You always have to test stuff. And that's the part where I just kinda like zone out because I kept, I get so impatient. Like I don't want to test things, but perhaps me and everybody else should hire you to do the testing because you do this for people, which is super awesome. Okay. I have one more question about. Specifically. So let's say someone has a video podcast. Should they use video clips? Like how we do an audio grams on Instagram? And like, like I, for example, will use a clip from the video to promote it on Instagram. Do you think that would do well on Pinterest or would a static pin probably work better for a podcast?


I would say probably both. Just because I've






it. I just want the answer.


'cause I, I feel like the static pin would probably, it would get you more results. Like it would get people actually clicking through and taking action. Whereas the video pin would probably get more impressions. It's just because there's no link, the amount of people that would actually take action after watching it. I'm not sure about, but it would probably get you in front of more people. So I would probably try to do both. Like anything you create for Instagram, for your podcast, repurpose it onto Pinterest. It really, if you're repurposing from other channels, it really doesn't take that much extra effort on your part. So I definitely recommend that


Absolutely. And everybody listening, make sure you get all of Tara's templates so that you can just make your life a zillion times easier. And there will be many links to all of these things in the show notes. Okay. So let's switch gears here a little bit, because I want to talk about your. Summit you had one previously. It was super awesome. So the upcoming one, who is it for? What is it all about and how can people get involved when tickets go on sale?


Yeah. So our upcoming summit is October 4th to the eighth and it's called the freelance revenue boost summit. So it's for service providers virtual assistants, social media managers, coaches, anyone who works with clients and is really getting to the point where. They're overwhelmed with client work. Maybe they're getting booked out and they want to learn ways that they can scale their business, create additional revenue streams and really focus on business growth as a whole versus just sticking to services. So anyone who wants to expand their business, this is going to be an awesome summit for that.


Amazing. Do you have any speakers lined up or are you still kind of in the works for that?


We're still kind of in the works. We're going to be going through applications this week and next week and get all the speakers finalized, but everyone can sign up for the waitlist on the website, freelance revenue, There is a waitlist form there for you to be notified as soon as it opens and is ready for registration.


Amazing. And because you have all of your T's crossed and your I's dotted, of course, it's there. It's ready for people to sign up on. That's so cool. I love that about like everything that you put out, it's always so light. You've thought of everything and it's just, you set such a great example for entrepreneurs, especially on online entrepreneurs. Like just, I just thought I'd throw that out there. You do a really good job at your job, just FYI. So, okay. If there are any podcasters listening that would love to work with you, what would you say is the best way for them to get in touch? What are some of the services that you offer and then anything else that you want to.


Probably the best way to get in touch with them for me is either my website contact form, which is the terror or on Instagram at introvert coach. so I do offer business coaching, marketing, coaching. I'm definitely not a hands-off coach. Like I will dive in and help you design a sales page and do things for you. I'm not just a. Directive coach. And I also offer a VIP creativity day service. So, that can include Pinterest design work website, design work really anything that I do because I am multi-passionate and I love doing multiple things. So a VIP creativity day allows me to tailor a day specifically to whatever my client needs.


That's amazing. I really love that because yeah. You know, I get that feeling sometimes where I'm like, well, I'm a little bored of this service I'm offering. Perhaps I'll plug this other one. And it seems like you figured that out pretty to infinity plus. That makes zero sense, but it's, you've got your stuff figured out. I love it. That's super cool. Is there anything else that you'd like to share that you think people should check out?


For anyone that wants to dive into Pinterest, I do also have a Pinterest SEO guide. So if That's a piece that you're struggling with, it's going to help you get your account optimized, figure out how to create optimized boards and how to write optimized pin descriptions. And you can grab that for free on my website.


That's amazing. Oh, I will put all the show notes links in there. The show notes, links the links in the show notes. That's so great. Well, thank you so much again, for being on the ultimate creative podcast today. I really, really appreciate your time and all of your expertise and truly for anyone listening, please go check out Tara's stuff and all follow her on all the places, because she's really, really great at what she does. And a great example, like I said, so thank you again, Tara so much. I really appreciate it.


Thank you so much for having me.

