The Ultimate Creative

Escaping the 9-5 With A Creative Business

Emily Milling Season 3 Episode 3

Today we're talking about escaping the 9-5 with a creative business! It's December 28th, and maybe you’re like, “Oh, my fucking Lordy loo, do I need to actually go back to my job?” And I don't want you to have to, honestly. 

But like, if you're thinking about this, if you're ready to start a creative business and don't ever want to see your boss ever again, because you’re pretty sure I will throw up all over your brand new shoes and you don't want to do that because you  like your brand new shoes, here are a couple of things that you can think about before you fully quit.

Because sometimes it's good to just take a quick breather with your old pal Em, and come up with a plan. 

So I'm going to give you four things to help you figure out if you're ready to leave your 9-5 job and start a creative business, or maybe even like, can you start this creative business while you're at the 9-5 so that you don't lose money and your family doesn't like, lose their shit and be like, “what the hell are you doing with your life? Oh my God, I can't believe that you just did that. Why didn't you just quit your job?”

I'm telling you I've done it so many times. My family's used to it. AndI just want to help you not experience that. 

So here’s what we’re covering today!

  1. Why you’d want to start a biz - independence, freedom, time freedom, more money etc.
  2. Make a plan before you leap
  3. And then you actually have to leap
  4. Know that it’s going to be tough but in time you will absolutely figure it out because you’re going to go into this with the right MINDSET!

That’s all for now! If you liked this episode and want to hear more, make sure you follow me on Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen to your podcasts! You can also find me on TikTok and YouTube

If you’re interested in starting your own creative business, in the new year I’m launching an exclusive program to help you get started! It’s limited to 5 people and I’m developing this program RIGHT NOW! FOR YOU! So if you’re interested, click here to sign up for more info! 

Instagram: @the_ultimatecreative and @emily.milling

[00:00:00] You're listening to the ultimate creative. I'm your host, Emily milling. I am a multi passionate multihyphenate entrepreneur, comedian, podcaster, musician, filmmaker. You name it. If it's creative and it has something to do with business, I'm probably in on it. If you're looking for a way to earn money through your creative passions, or if you need help finding your creative side, you are in the right place.

[00:00:34] Hello, greetings of the day. This is your host, Emily milling. And you're listening to the ultimate creative podcast, or you might be watching it. I don't know either way. Hi, how are you? What's your life like today? I hope it's really good. Okay. Today we're actually talking about a thing. What are we talking about?

[00:00:52] We're talking about escaping the nine to five with the creative business. Oh my God. It's December 28th. And your. Oh, my fucking Lordy Lu. Do I need to actually go back to my job and I've really, I don't want you to have to, but like, if you're thinking about this, if you're like, I'm ready to start a creative business and I don't ever want to see my boss ever again, because I'm pretty sure I will throw up all over my brand new shoes and I don't want to do that.

[00:01:20] Cause I like my brand new shoes. Here are a couple of things that you can think about before you. To feed in and fully quit, uh, because sometimes, sometimes it's good to just take a quick pause breather with your old pal M. Come up with a plan. Okay. So I'm going to give you four things to help you figure out if you're ready to leave your nine to five job and start a creative business, or maybe even like, can you start this creative business while you're at the nine to five so that you don't lose money and your family doesn't like, lose their shit and be like, what the hell are you doing with your life?

[00:01:58] Oh my God, I can't believe that you just did that. Why didn't you just quit your job? I'm telling you I've done it so many times. My family's used to it, but, um, I just want to help you not experience that. Okay. So the first thing we're going to talk about is why would you want to leave your job to start a creative business in the first place?

[00:02:19] Is it independence? Is it freedom? Is it time? Freedom, perhaps it's to get paid more because the higher ups are just not going to budget an extra $2 for you in the rest of the year, even though. The cost of living is going up significantly. Have you heard about the groceries? I don't know. It's all over the news.

[00:02:38] The groceries are going up in price because of the fricking pandemic and that's just our lives now. But anyway, maybe these are some reasons why you want to leave your job and you want to start a creative business. And if this is the case, these are all really, really good reasons. I want you to think of.

[00:02:53] Is the idea, the business idea. I have going to support all of these goals as well, because if it's not, basically all you're going to do is recreate exactly the situation that you're in right now and wonder why you did it. And then you'll be like, I'm a failure. I'm going to go back to getting a job. And I hope that they hire me back.

[00:03:12] I don't want that for you. I want you to come up with an actual plan to make this happen. So that is the next thing that I want to talk about. It's happening. The next thing I want you to think about for leaving your job to start create a business is making a plan before you leap. So this could be like, I want to have $10,000 saved up in my bank account so that I can float myself for rent and food and all the things.

[00:03:39] If I absolutely have to, you won't have to, if you make a plan, I guarantee. Because you'll just have so much cash coming in. Cause you made a plan. Another thing could be like, I want to make a minimum of $15,000 a month with my business in some capacity. Or maybe like choose whatever amount feels right for you or feels like it's sustainable.

[00:04:01] Maybe you want to have like three consistent months. That's what I did. I started with three consistent months of $10,000 a month in my business before I left my nine to five job because I wanted to make sure. You know, once I go a hundred percent full-time with this, and I'm not just hiring out contractors to do a lot of the work because I'm still working my nine to five.

[00:04:19] I want to know that I'm going to have enough money to continue to sustain it, to sustain my life and all of the taxes that I didn't realize I had to. Oh, but don't worry. I will tell you all about taxes at a later point in time when it's tax season or maybe I should tell you now. No, I'll tell you a tax season.

[00:04:33] Okay. Make a plan before you take the leap and make sure that you feel solid and comfortable with that plan, it's still gonna feel scary. I'm not gonna lie. I won't lie to you. It's going to feel like holy fuck balls. What am I about to do? But it will feel super liberating and you're going to be able to achieve all the things we were talking about before.

[00:04:54] Why would you want to leave your nine to five? You want the time freedom. You want more money? You want to be your own day. The third thing to think about is when it's time to take the leap, you need to take the leap. It can be so easy to get like comfortable in where you are, because like, you know, all the people, even though toxic, Janet is still spreading lies about you.

[00:05:16] And Karen is like telling everyone that you were crying about your computer. I don't know why Karen, why are you telling people that I was crying about my computer. I might have some unresolved trauma about my last job. Okay. I'm processing it right here right now with you. Okay. If you don't take the leap, nobody else is going to take it for you.

[00:05:36] You need to be looking out for yourself, right? It's going to be scary. People will not understand what you're doing, but. Remember to keep faith in yourself in that big vision that you have in this dream that you have of all the things you want, it will happen. And it's gonna feel like free falling and it's going to feel uncomfortable.

[00:05:57] And then in a couple of months, you're going to be like, I'm doing fucking great. And then a couple of months after that, you're gonna be like, what have I done? And then a few months later you'll be like, wow, it's been over a year and I'm still doing it. And it's a little Rocky, but it's good. It's great.

[00:06:11] I've got the money. I've got the freedom. I'm doing all the things because I listened to Emily and she told me how to do this because she went through it all and didn't want me to go through it all. So I just listened to her and did all the things. So we're good to go, man. We're good to go. The last thing I want to share with you today is it's all going to be about mindset.

[00:06:28] Okay. Like I said before, it's going to be tough. You're going to be like what the actual fuck did I just do? Uh, but. It doesn't mean that what you're setting out to do, isn't possible. It's not impossible. Everything is possible. Listen to my new song coming out in January called anything is possible.

[00:06:46] Shameless, self plug. I believe so. Ooh, it's a great song. Anyway, you need to give yourself time to be successful with it. Okay. It's going to be up and down. It's going to be a little bit of a roller coaster while you figure out how to hit. Complaints from clients or maybe how to do marketing or what the fuck the algorithm is doing on Instagram these days.

[00:07:09] Nobody knows, man. Stop trying to figure it out. I've given up entirely. Anyway, you should start a podcast. Why don't you just start a podcast? I can help you with podcasts anyway. So much of having a successful creative business comes down to you believing in you unequivocally on equivocally, an equivalent.

[00:07:30] The word that I'm looking for has escaped my brain. And therefore I'm going to leave it to you to infer what I'm trying to say. You need to believe in yourself. I believe in YouTube. Don't worry about that. There's always going to be me in your corner, believing in you as long as you believe in yourself.

[00:07:46] Okay. Like. Because people can't support you and help you with this big transition and change, unless you believe a billion percent that you will be successful at it. So you gotta practice that. You gotta practice this mindset day in and day out when you go to bed at night. And you're like, I owe $10,000 to my new business credit card.

[00:08:08] You need to tell yourself, yeah, no problem. I know how to make money. I'm going to go do that tomorrow. It's fine. It's literally no problem. And I listened to Emily who told me exactly how to do all of this stuff. So I'm not worried even in a little bit at all. Don't worry at all. That's what I wanted to share with you today.

[00:08:27] And I really hope this helps you in understanding. What you need to do to get ready to leave your nine to five job to start a creative business. If you want more like this, I've got a podcast, I've got a YouTube channel, I've got a tick talk. You're probably watching on one of these things now, or listening on one of these things.

[00:08:43] And I want to help you. I am coming up with a new program in the new year, and it's all about as a crash course for creative entrepreneurs. Like the fundamentals, you need the basics. You need to get yourself ready to start a creative business and feel like super duper confident. If you're interested in that, please send me a DM or email me

[00:09:05] I'm only opening it up to five people. It is very, very limited, very exclusive, and it's hot and fast. It's hot and fast. It's really going to be a tightly packed week or two days. Haven't decided yet because I want to be tailoring this to you and understanding what the best way is to serve you with. More on understanding your clients in a later video.

[00:09:29] Anyway, if you're interested in that, send me an email, and I will get you set up with the details. All right. Have a great day. Bye. Ye.

[00:09:44] Thanks for listening to the ultimate creative. If you heard something today that helped you get one step closer to building your super awesome dreams, I will love it. If you shared a rating and written review on apple podcasts, that helps more people just like you, that want to break into their passions and build a life they love with creativity and entrepreneurial.

[00:10:04] And if you know, someone that needs a boost of inspiration and this episode will help please share it and spread the love. I truly believe that the more we encourage each other to take steps towards building our dreams, the better our lives will be. And the happier we will become. Pretty awesome to learn more about how I can help you build your.

[00:10:23] Podcasting more coaching head over to the ultimate or follow me on Instagram at V underscore ultimate creative and let's chat.